Regn.No. & Year :
Address :
98/2, Surendra Nath Banerjee Road Kolkata 700014.
State :
West Bengal.
Estimated population:
In West Bengal Around 40000
Contact Number:
Whatsapp Number:
Email id :
Website :
No. of Members:
​Around 550 Members/Head of the family
No of Community Members reached through
Welfare/Education /Other programmes :
Around 300 families.
Aim & Objectives:
The Calcutta Anglo-Indian Service Society (CAISS) is a Non-Governmental Organisation in Kolkata which assists families who find themselves in difficult circumstances, with a view to looking after the cultural, social, educational, economic and medical needs of these families who are Anglo-Indian but remain cut off from the Anglo-Indian way of life and are forced to accept another option which sometimes becomes difficult to cope with owing to the different upbringing of their parents and the Anglo-Indian influence.
The Society emulates a wholistic model of care for the less fortunate and marginalized individuals of the community by Caring for the aged, for the children and for those with a special need. Assisting by being available in times of crisis doing whatever is possible. Reaffirming the dignity of each individual. Encouraging each one to face life's challenges.
To assist our seniors who find it difficult to make ends meet by providing them with financial stability.
To assist our seniors who are ill and need health care to access medical services.
To assist our seniors to access government welfare schemes by assisting them acquire personal identification documents.
To assist our seniors live a little more comfortably by eating clean nutritious food and residing in decent livable accommodation.

To assist our children who are studying in school to complete their education by assisting them to pay their fees, session fees,books, uniform, kit shoes etc.
To assist our children who may be ill and need health care/medicines.
To assist our children with admission into boarding school and provide them with kit/travel etc.
To assist our children who are weak in their studies by providing them opportunities for remedial classes/extra coaching classes.
To promote the culture of the community among young adults and make them proud of their identity.

To assist our children to develop their skills in their areas of interest and creativity.
To assist our young people to understand their anglo-indian identity
To promote the culture of the community among young adults and make them proud of their identity.
To identify potential leaders and encourage them to take leadership and develop their potential.